Monday, October 1, 2012

Long update

Well summer is over and Fall is here.  I was awful at not keeping up with this all summer long.  Hopefully I can try to get weekly updates done. :)

It seemed like it was a long hot summer!  Back in June we took a family vacation.  Dustin, Sawyer, and I went to Minnesota for a weekend.  We visited the Como Zoo, and the Mall of America.  We stayed two nights in a hotel which is quite the experience with a toddler.  Sawyer did pretty good though but was homesick towards the end and kept asking for home.  He did love seeing all of the different animals and fish at both the zoo and the aquarium at the mall.

We stayed in doors most of the summer because of the heat.  We never did visit the pool though because of Sawyer's ear tubes and not knowing if he would leave his ear plugs in like he is suppose to.  Hopefully next summer.

Preschool started again for Sawyer back in September.  He loves going to school and we love to see how much he learns.  He amazes us everyday and is such a little sponge taking in everything he sees and hears.

Sawyer turned 3 on September 15th.  For his birthday we spent the day in Boone at the event Day Out With Thomas.  Sawyer loves Thomas the Train and was really into the event this year.  He loved sitting on the train and going for a ride.  He also got his first temporary tattoo of Percy on his hand.  He got to play with lots of different train sets too.  That evening when we got home Sawyer had his very own train table waiting for him.  He loves it and we think it was a great investment.

The day after Sawyer's birthday we had his birthday party.  It was a great time celebrating with family.  Sawyer was spoiled by lots of presents and cake.

Now for some recent pics. :)

Night of preschool orientation

1st day of preschool 2012

The birthday boy!


Loving the train ride.

Birthday present from Daddy and Mama

Mmm birthday cake!

Monday, June 4, 2012

It's been awhile.....

Wow, it has been 7 months since I last updated our blog.  I guess I got lazy but I am hoping to keep this more up to date now. :)

Sawyer finished his first year of pre school a few weeks ago.  We are amazed at how much he has learned in just one year.  He knows his colors, shapes, and can count to 10 and sometimes even higher.  He is a very active little boy and sure doesn't sit still for long though.  Something we are working on. :)

Back in February we switched Sawyer from the crib to his very own big boy bed.  It has been quite an adjustment.  Now that he has freedom he seems to wake up quite early, 6am.  We can hear him turn his light on and playing with toys.  Pretty soon he is at the door knocking and yelling for "Mama" or "Daddy!"  Getting him to sleep later than 6am is a struggle.  I guess we just have a very early riser.

Along with the terrible two's we have struggled with hitting.  Sawyer seems to get frustrated easily and then reacts by hitting or even throwing toys.  This last week we finally seeked the advice of our pediatrician, Dr. Sims because we weren't sure on what to do anymore.  Dr. Sim's was happy that we were not hitting Sawyer in return and that we were looking at other ways to discipline him.  He told us that when Sawyer hits we need to immediately put him in the hold.  The hold is when we place Sawyer in our lap facing forward and hold his arms at his side.  We then sit like this and explain that we don't hit.  It has worked pretty well so far and we can usually get Sawyer to tell us he is sorry for hitting.  He is not a fan of the hold!  Also at the doctors visit Sawyer was weighed and was 40.6lbs with his shoes on.  We have been concerned with his eating habits because he is a very picky eater.  He refuses meat except for chicken nuggets or fish sticks. He will not eat vegetables but does love his fruit.  Dr. Sims said that he is growing fine and as long as Sawyer is getting 3-4 servings of fruit a day then to not worry about the vegetables.

We are so happy that Summer is finally here and that the weather has been pretty decent.  Sawyer loves to play outside!  Here are some pics from the last few months.

Nov 2011 playing in the clothes basket

Dec 2011 pre school Christmas concert

Dec 2011 visiting with Santa at Target Distribution Center.

January 2012 We thing bowls are hats. :)

February 2012 First night in his big boy bed

March 2012 We like to take pictures of ourself

April 2012 Easter

May 2012 at the park

June 2012 Playing in the pool

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ear tubes

On November 4th, 2011 Sawyer had to have ear tubes and his adenoids out.  Since March he has had 6 ear infections and it was time we did something about it.

So two days before Sawyer's surgery he had his 2 year check up with Dr. Sims at Covenant Medical Center.  Sawyer weighed in at 37.8lbs, he was 37.75 inches tall, and his head was 20.5 inches round.  He is greater than 95% in all categories.  Dr. Sims said Sawyer was healthy and cleared him for Surgery.

Thursday, one day before surgery Sawyer woke up with a runny nose.  Ugh, not what we needed.  I called Dr. Hart's office to see what time Sawyer's surgery was scheduled for and to talk to the nurse about his new cold.  The nurse assured me that as long as his lungs were clear and he wasn't running a high fever he could have surgery.  Surgery was set for 9:30am and we needed to be at United Medical Park at 8am.  Sawyer wasn't allowed to eat or drink after Midnight.

The morning of surgery I was one nervous mama.  Thankfully Sawyer had slept well the night before and didn't wake up till we were suppose to walk out the door.  I got him up and changed him, put clean jammies on him and we were out the door.

We got to UMP and they took us right back to the pre op room.  A nurse came in with a gown and cap for Sawyer to wear.  He wanted NO part of that.  Thankfully the nurse said he could just wear his pajamas.  They then let us go wait in the toy room till it was time for surgery.  While we waited the anthestisiologist came in to check Sawyer out since he had a cold.  He said that he looked great and everything should be fine.  Soon the nurse came in and said it was time.  They said that either Dustin or I could go back until Sawyer was put under.  So they gave me a gown and hat and off we went.  Sawyer did great.  He climbed right up onto the table and laid down.  He was not happy though when the put the mask over his face to put him under.  Thankfully within seconds he was out.  I gave him a kiss and then was lead back to the waiting room.

About 30 minutes later they came and got us and said he was done.  They took us back to a room to wait for Dr. Hart to come talk to us.  Dr. Hart said that everything went well.  He said that Sawyer's adenoids were really yucky and it was a good thing we got them out.  He also said that he noticed his skin was very sensitive and he suggested allergy testing when Sawyer is 6.  Sorry kiddo you are like your mom.  Dr. Hart then took us to another waiting room and said the nurses would come get us when Sawyer was fully awake.

15 minutes or so later they finally came to get us.  I felt like I was running down the hall to get to my little man.  I walked in the room and a nurse was sitting in a rocking chair holding him.  He looked very sleepy and restless.  He saw Dustin and I and immdediately said "Hi Dada!"  The nurses got a good laugh out of that.  They then had me sit in the rocking chair and handed Sawyer to me.  The recovery nurse said he would be really sleeping because they gave him morphine and to just let him rest.  So we just sat there and let our little guy rest.  The nurse came back and brought Sawyer some juice and said we should try to get him to drink.  Finally around 1pm Sawyer was awake enough and had drank enough juice so we could go home.

Once we were home we decided that either Dustin or I should go get Sawyer's medicines.  The doctor had prescribed a pain med, and an antibiotic.  So I headed to Target and Dustin stayed home with Sawyer.  When I got home Sawyer was napping.  Soon the all heck broke loose!

Sawyer woke up and was not himself.  We tried to get him to eat and drink and he wouldn't do either.  We also tried to get him to take his meds and that was awful too.  We just kept trying and trying and finally Dustin did get him to take some tylenol.  It was getting late and Dustin had to work in the morning so he was going to bed and thought he would try to take Sawyer with him.  A little while later I went in to check on them because it was very quiet and I found them both asleep!  So I waited a little bit and then moved Sawyer to his bed, BIG MISTAKE!  Sawyer woke up and wouldn't stop crying.  I tried to get him to drink some juice and take meds but he wouldn't do any of it.  Finally I couldn't take it anymore and took him to the ER at Sartori.  We were put in a room and waited for over an hour to see the doctor.  While waiting Sawyer perked up and decided to start drinking juice and was running around the room.  What a stinker!  The doctor came in and was just laughing.  He said that it looks like I was doing a good job and to just keep it up.  Also while we were seeing the doctor there was a drunk man in the hallway who had been brought in by the police for fighting.  He got a little out of hand and ended up getting tased!  Wow, what a night!  Finally Sawyer and I got home and we ended up sleeping on the couch.

5am came and Dustin got up for work but said he wasn't feeling well so he was staying home.  Oh great 2 sick boys!  It was a pretty crazy day but Sawyer was finally eating, and drinking and that was all I had hoped for.  I hope he doesn't have to have another surgery for a VERY long time!

Halloween 2011

I am SUPER late getting our blog updated!  So here we go! :)

Halloween this year was a blast!  Dustin and I had picked out Sawyer's costume over a month ago and we couldn't wait for him to wear it!

Halloween was on a Monday this year and normally Sawyer doesn't have school on Monday's but Sprout was having a party and they call it Pumpkin Palooza.  Dustin and I both had the day off so we decided we would love to help at Sawyer's school.

For the party Sprout wanted to kids to wear their costumes.  Sawyer wanted NO part in it.  Before we left that morning for school we tried to dress Sawyer and his costume and the meltdowns began.  So instead Sawyer wore his Halloween shirt.

Sprout had many activities planned for the kids.  They filled gloves with popcorn and candy corn, played the pin the face on the pumpkin, painted pumpkins, and more.

After school we headed home for some lunch and for Sawyer to get a nap before our busy night!  After Sawyer woke up we put him in his costume and took him to see Ashlee's grandpa and aunt.  Sawyer got a head start on trick or treating before it even started. :)  After visiting Great Gpa Chuck and Great Aunt Ann we took Sawyer to see Dustin's mom and grandma.

After we stopped and saw everyone we headed home for some supper and to get ready for trick or treating.  Getting ready to go trick or treating felt like we were getting ready for a road trip.  We made sure Sawyer had something to drink.  We also decided to bring the wagon just in case he got tired of walking or we got tired of carrying him.  Along with the wagon we brought a blanket, and coats.  Finally we were ready to hit the neighborhood.

We started on our street and made our way up and down several blocks.  It didn't take Sawyer long to figure out what we were doing before he was sooo excited and running up to the houses to get candy.  He even figured out that we were only going to the houses with their outside lights on.  It was so cute to watch him knock on the doors and wait.  We thanked each house and if Sawyer didn't say thank you he would say "welcome."  Towards the end out little guy got tired and so we were thankful for the wagon.  We had a blast trick or treating this year and we can't wait for next year.

Painting pumpkins at school

Sawyer's pre school class

Our Ninja

Trick or treating at Great Gpa Chuck's and Great Aunt Ann's

Trick or Treating

Getting a ride from Daddy!

Taking a break

Someone's getting tired

Monday, October 24, 2011

Family Christmas card!

This is our family Christmas card.  It was designed by Lynn from Lasting Expressions and the pictures were taken by Michelle Stricker with Stricker Photography!  Both ladies did a great job!  Thank you Lynn and Michelle!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sawyer's 1st day of Pre school!

Today Sawyer started going to pre school.  We found the perfect place for him to go so that he can learn and play with others.  Sprout pre school is at Heartland Vineyard Church.  Sawyer will go 2 days a week for 3 hours.

Today Dustin and I walked him into his classroom and he left us immediately to go play with the toys.  He didn't even know we had left him.  Normally we will pull up to the the door and the teacher's will come out to the car to get him and bring him out at the end of the day.

At 11am we pulled up next to the doors and waited for Sawyer to come out.  Here came out little man holding his teacher's hand and he had his backpack on his back.  It was the cutest thing and I so wish I would have taken a picture.  He smiled so big when he saw Dustin and I waiting for him. Sawyer's teacher, Miss Sara told us that he played hard and was probably tired.  Also in Sawyer's bag was a note that reads........

Mom and Dad
Today at school we played centers, colored, read books, and had lots of fun!  I had a hard time adjusting to the daily routine (sitting at group time), but hopefully I will do better as I get used to school. :)

We are so happy our little boy had a good first day and we hope for many more!!

Sawyer's 1st day of